The Headless Way
Direct access to our essential nature
is freely available to everyone here and now
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You may be amused to know that the friend of mine who is the inspiration and driving force behind this project (with the fantastic help of a new friend who is an IT wizard) wrote the following text (with a few additions from me) -- which is taking 'becoming the other' to a new level :–) (If you want a script writer, he is for hire...) But amusement aside, Brian shares my vision of doing our best to facilitate the emergence of a Seeing society -- a society where it is normal to see and be and enjoy the immense benefits of knowing the Friend we all have in common. And who, weirdly and wonderfully, we all are. So, if you want to join the party, and make Seeing friends, and celebrate our mysterious Friend together... read on... (or just register and go for it!)

Dear Friends,
I met Douglas Harding in 1970. That's when he showed me that, from my own point of view, I don't have a head. Some dismiss this fact as insignificant, nonsensical even, and do not consider the implications. For me, though, when I noticed it, I couldn't think of anything else! I was simply astounded.

After first noticing his own headlessness in 1943, Douglas found it difficult to share its significance. He was alone with Seeing for nearly 20 years. Until in 1964 he shared it with his secretary. Astonishingly and wonderfully, she saw what he saw! And understood the significance of it! And like Douglas, she reaped and enjoyed many benefits by bringing it into her life. In her case, this translated to being more efficient at work and upping her tennis game. This experience showed Douglas that other people could benefit from sharing what he called "in-seeing." From that moment until his passing away in 2007, Douglas dedicated his life to sharing "headlessness." Douglas kept an open house, a place where friends could freely gather and share their response to this beautifully simple way home to the Friend we all have in common. Douglas also travelled around the world, leading meetings and workshops and making many, many friends. (Friends, not students!)

Over the years, Douglas fielded a very common question: "How do you stabilise this?" His answer was always the same, to share it, to talk about it with others. The recent COVID pandemic presented us with an opportunity to do just that, more easily, frequently, and from the comfort of our homes via daily drop-in Zoom meetings. Virtually, we share questions, in-sights, challenges, and more. And we make friends––friendships that have at their core our shared Friend. But if we want to meet and share in person, in our home city or town or village, or while traveling, how do we accomplish that?

This is the gap that a small group of headless friends sought to fill. And so they did, by building an online tool we're calling the "Headless Community Friend Finder." (Our community is headless not only because each of us cannot see our own head, but also in the sense that this means that no one individual is in charge. Or, I suppose you could say, that the Friend is in charge.) This is a web page where people interested in Seeing can build a profile – first name and city for example – and then find and communicate with other headless friends, near and far. Our hope, for example, is that in-seers connect locally for potlucks, hikes, meetings, and the like, and afar while traveling. Our friends also set up a Headless Way channel in a dynamic chat app called Discord, where, if you sign up from the Friend Finder, you'll automatically be added to both the world-wide Headless Way channel, and also a local one in your city or town.

If connecting with Headless friends near home and at a distance interests you, please join the Friend Finder by creating a profile here. And grow your Seeing friendships by joining this ship of friends... we are on a great adventure together. 

Yours, Richard Lang

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