Details and registration for the Salisbury Gathering, July 2 – 6, 2025.
Details and registration for the Salisbury Gathering, July 2 – 6, 2025.
Hello, this is John. I facilitate the introductory online workshops on Mondays. I will be guiding everyone through experiments that point directly to our true nature. (By the way, you can check out the experiments beforehand on the website if you feel like it. I recommend the Pointing Experiment)
To join the group, simply click on this link at 8pm on Monday:
passcode: headless
Please be on time, or even a little early. If you are late you’ll miss the very important introduction :-) Thank you.
Any questions, please email me.
FEEDBACK from previous sessions:
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your Zoom workshop last night; a really interesting experience.
That was a great session. Thank you!!
Thanks for the inspiring evening last night.
Last night I logged on expecting that maybe hearing them from an "expert" would somehow make the exercises more powerful. But no. What it did was emphasise how fantastically simple they are, and all the more powerful for it.
Thanks for this! What a wonderful set of exercises!
This way of being has really changed my life.
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us this evening. I understand it so much better now through the visual exercises you did with us. We look forward to participating in other video meetings in the future, and having fun practicing in daily life.
Thank you so much. Very refreshing, honest and kind. I can also very much relate to what you say about your experience of headlessness. So glad I found you and Richard and all the others and that we get to have these Zoom exchanges.
Thanks so much for the insight you provided today. I was hoping today would stoke my interest and continued inquiry into the headless way, and it didn't disappoint!
Thanks for the delightful introduction, I look forward to more interaction.
Thank you for the links and yesterday’s workshop or rather a ‘play’ shop!
Thank you so much for hosting the session and showing us the experiments. It was a huge amount of fun and I’ve been left with a huge smile on my face, it’s wonderful to share the experience.
Join our free Headless Zoom meetings, held twice a month by Headless friends. Meet others who value their headlessness, share your experience, and ask questions. Open to all!
1. Headless Orientation Europe/America
2nd Saturday of each month 6:30 PM London time
Passcode: welcome
2. Headless Orientation Australia/Asia
3rd Saturday of each month 5 PM Perth time
Passcode: welcome
London Saturday April 12 with Richard Lang. Information and registration.
London workshop November 9 (Saturday) with Richard Lang. Information and registration here.
Now available as an audio book.
The articles in this book, arranged in chronological order, span the period of Harding’s life (1909–2007) from the early 1940s to the late 1990s.
A new 90 second video on your layers of appearance, based on the teachings of Douglas Harding with concept and voice over by Richard Lang, design and animation by Alex Barnet.
Our short video 'Who Are You?' has just been chosen as a 'Staff Pick' on Vimeo. This is a recognition of the quality of the video. Getting picked as a 'Staff Pick' is a special honour in the Vimeo world. On Vimeo the video has now had more than 7,000 views. Sharing the good news!
Brentyn Ramm's paper 'The Technology of Awakening' has just been published.
Much thanks to the Shollond Trust for funding the publication of the article in an open access format. The copyright is creative commons so it can be freely shared and can be posted or reproduced anywhere as long as the original source is acknowledged.
From the abstract:
"In this paper, I investigate the phenomenology of awakening in Chinese Zen Buddhism. In this tradition, to awaken is to ‘see your true nature’. In particular, the two aspects of awakening are:(1) seeing that the nature of one’s self or mind is empty or void and (2) an erasing of the usual (though merely apparent) boundary between subject and object. In the early Zen tradition, there are many references to awakening as chopping off your head, not having eyes, nose and tongue, and seeing your ‘Original Face’. These references bear a remarkable resemblance to an approach to awakening developed by Douglas Harding. I will guide the reader through a series of Harding’s first-person experiments which investigate the gap where you cannot see your own head. I will endeavour to show that these methods, although radically different from traditional meditation techniques, result in an experience with striking similarities to Zen accounts of awakening, in particular, as experiencing oneself as empty or void and yet totally united with the given world."
Richard lang has recorded a podcast introducing some of the ideas from The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth by Douglas Harding.
November 2016
New recording of an online video meeting.
New book about Catherine Harding
BatGap interview with Richard Lang now with Spanish closed captions.
Visible Gods now available as both a paperback and an Kindle ebook.
August 2016
The big Hierarchy in Spanish!
New uploads to our Spanish language YouTube channel
Interview with Richard Lang (Vajralila interview) now with Spanish closed captions.
July 2016
An Unconventional Portrait Of Yourself by Douglas Harding (Kindle ebook).
Explorer images - short video
June 2016
Look Who's Here (3 videos of Douglas Harding) now with Spanish closed captions.
Video interview with Richard Lang on YouTube. (Detlef interview)
May 2016
Webinar with Richard Lang on YouTube.
April 2016
Video Reflection – The Science of the 1st Person
March 2016
Built for loving - video reflection
February 2016
The Meaning & Beauty of the Artificial by Douglas Harding is now available as a Kindle ebook. This is an early book by Douglas Harding, written in the 1930s, before he saw that he was headless. It is fascinating to see how he was developing in the direction of seeing his True Self.
Online Video Meeting recorded 28 Feb
Closed Eyes Experiment - video reflection
We have re-presented many videos on the website so that they are smart phone friendly. Enjoy! We also tidied up how the website was organised. This included going through the Tradition section and checking every link, and adding new quotations.
True Perfection - video reflection
Visible Gods by Douglas Harding now available in paperback.
January 2016
Acceptance - video reflection
Des Dieux Visible by Douglas Harding (Kindle ebook)
I've uploaded more short Video Reflections Enjoy!
Headless Dao, by Jim Clatfelter, now available as a Kindle ebook.
December 2015
New video reflection – Discovery & Adventure
Online study course, studying Face to No-Face over 10 weeks. A wonderful book. Registration ends December 20.
New video reflection – The Benefits of Seeing.
November 2015
NEW: Video Reflections channel on Vimeo.
New video reflection – Ongoing Awareness.
New video reflection. Do you come and go?
September 2015
New video reflection - Peace. Also with English and French subtitles.
New video hangout, September 12.
New Video Reflection - A Free Gift. Also with English subtitles.
August 2015
American Gathering Aug 31-Sept 3
July 2015
To Be And Not To Be – that is the answer. Douglas Harding. Now available as a paperback. (Also as a kindle ebook)
New video reflection uploaded – Always Available. Also with English subtitles.
Melbourne Lecture video now with Japanese subtitles - download video on demand.
BatGap interview with Richard Lang now with English subtitles.
Il Processo All'Uomo Che Diceva Di Essere Dio (The Trial of the Man who said he was God) now available in Italian as a kindle ebook.
La Hierarchie du Ciel et de La Terre: Un Nouveau Diagramme de l'Homme dans l'Univers (French Kindle ebook Edition)
June 2015
June video hangout recorded.
Une Interview avec Douglas Harding (parties 1 & 2) - video on demand.
Over the last two and a half years I've been working with a friend on a graphic novel on the life and work of Douglas Harding. Here is the latest page.
May 2015
American Gathering Aug 31-Sept 3
A Profound Change in Consciousness video reflection. Also with English and French subtitles.
April 2015
Headless hangout April 19
Interview with Richard Lang (conducted by Vajralila)
Conference y Taller, Melbourne, Australia. Douglas Harding. Video on demand.
Incomparable Safety video reflection Also with English and French subtitles.
Look For Yourself by Douglas Harding is available in paperback and as a kindle ebook.
March 2015
Sweden workshop with Douglas Harding with French subtitles (avec sous-titres français) - Atelier en Suède,1992 with Douglas Harding
Video of Interview with Douglas Harding, Parts 3 & 4 (2001) now available for download, with English subtitles.
Video Hangout, recorded March 13.
Videos of experiments with Chinese subtitles on Chinese website.
Interview with Sam Blight (2012) now with French subtitles.
Interview with Richard Lang by Ben Berry (October 2014) now available with English subtitles.
Video of Interview with Douglas Harding, Parts 1 & 2, (2001) now available, on demand, with English subtitles. Parts 3 & 4 will soon be available.
Four Stages of Life video with French subtitles.
I've added to our YouTube channel interviews Richard Miller did with me (Richard Lang) a few years back. Part One. Part Two.
Melbourne Lecture and Workshop with Douglas Harding now available for download with French subtitles.
ConsciousVariety interview with Richard Lang (2014) now on YouTube with English subtitles
February 2015
Hangouts with Russian translation.
Video hangout, recorded Feb 22.
Interviews - I've added two interviews to our YouTube channel that were recorded a while back - the Buddha at the Gas Pump interview (2014), and the ConsciousTV interview.
Melbourne Talk and Workshop video now available for download with French subtitles.
New video - The Four Stages of Life. (Also with English subtitles) (Also with Spanish subtitles)
New video interview with Richard Lang. (Interview by Ben Berry, October 2014)
January 2015
I AM YOU short video.
Hangout on Air. January 10.
Haiku by Colin Oliver in English, Spanish, Italian, German.
As you will have noticed, our website now has a new responsive design. Thank you, Sam & Navi!
December 2014
Hierarchy Talk in French - La Hiérarchie du Ciel et de la Terre.
Hierarchy Talk in Japanese - 「天と地の階層」
Religions of the World ebook (Kindle) extended version.
November 2014
Looking for a Christmas present? The Youniverse Explorer model!
Our free google video hangouts are great fun. Join us!
Online course - on the book Head Off Stress by Douglas Harding. This course starts on December 7, finishes the beginning of February. A chance to interact with others who value the headless way. Register by 29 November. More information here.
August 2014
La Gerarchia del Cielo e della Terra - my film of my talk now with Italian subtitles. Thank you Shanti!
July 2014
My film of my talk on The Hierarchy of Heaven & Earth is now available with Spanish subtitles. Thank you Tarsila!
La Hierarchie du Ciel et de la Terre - Un Nouveau Diagramme de l'Homme dans l'Univers - now available in French!! The original huge version!
1-hour illustrated talk by Richard Lang on 'The Hierarchy of Heaven & Earth' by Douglas Harding. Also with English subtitles.
June 2014
Buddha at the Gas Pump interview with Richard Lang
On Having No Head with French subtitles (Video. Sous-titres francais) now available as a download.
SAND talk (2012) by Richard Lang - short. Also with English, German and Spanish subtitles.
New Video Reflection: 'You are always still'. Also with English subtitles.
Workshop in San Francisco, Saturday, June 28, 2-4:30pm with David Lang. Information.
Spreecast June 7 - Richard Lang & Sam Blight.
May 2014
Next spreecast with Richard Lang & Sam Blight on June 7 at 3pm UK time. 1 hour. Free. All welcome.
Video - ten minute interview with Richard Lang at the SAND conference 2012
April 2014
New video reflection - Shaped by the world. With English subtitles.
More videos available for download.
March 2014
Great headless painting
1 hour radio interview with Richard Lang, 7pm Thursday March 6. Archived and available.
February 2014
On Having No Head is now available in German as an ebook - Die Entdeckung der Kopflosigkeit
January 2014
Probably the earliest video of Douglas Harding, now available for download.
Next spreecast on Feb 15, 5pm GMT with Richard Lang and José Le Roy.
The spreecast today, January 18, is now archived.
Explore The Youniverse - visit our interactive animation.
YOUNIVERSE DAY! The Youniverse Explorer model (with CD) is now available on our website. It is stunningly beautiful.
Next workshop in London: February 22.
I've reduced the prices of books and DVDs in the online shop.
Spreecast with Richard Lang on Saturday January 18 at 5pm GMT.
Workshop in London on Saturday, January 11 at 2pm.
I have added more Reflections in German - thanks for translating, Tom!
I am preparing more films that you can download. We'll have the page ready soon.
A new video reflection on our youtube channel - also with English subtitles, and then translated into French by Jose - on the French channel.
December 2013
The spree cast on Dec 21 is now available for viewing.
On Having No Head (video) now available on demand.
Dec 21 5pm London time - a live spreecast with Richard Lang - free.
Dec 1: We had 10,571 unique visitors to this website last week!
November 2013
New video reflection (also with English subtitles)
October 2013
Latest video reflection now has English and French subtitles.
New video reflection - Douglas Harding speaking about living from who we really are.
DVD now available for purchase of the talk Richard Lang gave at the DreamBusLive conference in London in August. Download here.
September 2013
Younverse Explorer Model - update. We are on the last lap of producing this model, designed and produced originally by Douglas Harding in the mid-1970s. Our updated model will have beautiful photographs. It looks as though it will be available by the end of September. Fingers crossed! We'll make an announcement when it is ready - Youniverse Day!
New Video Reflection - No Hierarchy of Seers, by Richard Lang. Also with English subtitles.
French translation of the original huge The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth by Douglas Harding - update: We are nearing completion... Or at least, the wonderful team who are giving birth to this incredible achievement are nearing completion. This has been a project taking two years +, and the work that has been done - a huge amount of work - has been from the goodness of the hearts of those involved. I am sure that generations of French speaking friends will feel so grateful to the hard-working friends who have been bringing this achievement into the light of day. I will announce here, and lots of other places, when the baby is born!
August 2013
Nothing But This Moment. A beautiful selection of poetry by Colin Oliver. Colin was a long-time dear friend of Douglas Harding. Enjoy this ebook!
New short video reflection - Love is the bottom line. This is also available with English subtitles. (We have lots of films with English subtitles, and also with other language subtitles. Check them out! There are links from our main English channel.)
July 2013
New Video Reflection - A Extraordinary Marvellous Revelation
June 2013
New video - YOUNIVERSE EXPLORER. A journey through your mind and body... in five minutes!
Excellent article by David Lang: Rating The Experts.
NEW! Italian pages on this website! Thank you to everyone involved in making this possible.
I've uploaded a film to youtube of Douglas Harding talking about the Four Stages of Life. This is also available on our youtube channels with English subtitles, French subtitles, and Spanish subtitles.
We have added 19 more German Reflections to the list, so if you are subscribed, you will be receiving more, once a week. Thanks for translating, Tom!
May 2013
New video reflection - Seeing is infectious.
Beautiful fridge magnets now available!
The Video Reflection - The Damaging Lie of Confrontation - is now available with English subtitles.
April 2013
New Video Reflection - just added - April 30th. "Seeing Is Infectious". On our youtube channel.
FREE iPhone app now available via the Apple app store - search for 'headless way' and download. Contains experiments, articles, videos, quotations... Enjoy!
April 25. Youtube - I've moved all our English language channels to one channel and changed to the new Youtube look. It's easier to find everything now. It took about 2 weeks uploading, practically 24/7! I'm glad that job is over!
April 6. Gradually we are updating our Youtube channels to the new look that Youtube rolled out recently. So far we have updated the Video Reflection channel, and the FaceToNoFaceFilms channel. More to come! You will find short trailers on these new channels.
March 2013
March 30. New Video Reflection - The Damaging Lie of Confrontation. Short clip of Douglas Harding.
March 9th. The Trial of the Man Who Said He Was God by Douglas Harding is now available as an ebook on Amazon. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
March 2. New Video Reflections in English, French and Spanish, and with English subtitles too.
February 2013
Feb 20 - Video Reflections. Short video clips to inspire you.
Feb 14 - I've just uploaded my film about Douglas Harding, with French subtitles. Translated by Catherine Harding. Please tell your French-speaking friends.
New uploads to Youtube of films with English subtitles - Interview with Amaranatho, Stepping into the Void, The man with no head...
January 2013
The film about Douglas Harding, 'The man with no head' is now available with subtitles in Russian, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Greek, and with English subtitles too. Many thanks to the friends who have so generously translated the text - Aigana, Tom, Tarsila, Shanti, Yuko and Giannis!
The video interview with Alan Rowlands is now available with Czech subtitles. Thanks for translating, Joshi!
December 2012
Video: The man with no head. The life and philosophy of Douglas Harding
Video of day workshop in Australia in 13 parts. Thank you Peter for all your help with this - filming and editing.
Spanish-subtitled videos - more added. Thank you, Tarsila, for all your help with translating.
English-subtitled video channel - interview with Sam Blight added.
September 2012
Short video about the single eye - Touching Eternity
Video interview with Sam Blight
August 2012
Free skype video meetings with headless friends next weekend (Sept 7-9). If you want to join, contact Richard.
I've posted a new video interview, with Suvaco Bhikku - he speaks about how he discovered the headless way, and how it affects his life. Suvaco has been a Buddhist monk for many years - Click Here. Yours, Richard.
July 2012
2 New Ebooks
The Turning Point - a new collection of essays by Douglas Harding. This is the first time this collection has been published.
Look For Yourself - a collection of essays first published in 1996.
Both ebooks are available in our bookshop.
May 2012
New eBook - On Having No Head by Douglas Harding
Reflections - A Course in Seeing, now in German
Stepping Into The Void - video with Czech subtitles
Something from Nothing video with German subtitles
Video interview with Catherine Harding
Interview with Catherine Harding, French subtitles
Interview with Catherine Harding, English subtitles
Interview with Catherine Harding, Dutch subtitles
Something from Nothing animation, in Dutch
Something from Nothing animation, in French
Something from Nothing animation, in Greek
Something from Nothing animation, in Russian
Something from Nothing animation, in Spanish
Workshops in June in Canada & USA. See workshop page.
April 2012
New video interview - Philip & Wendy Pegler
Workshops in Australia, Belgium and Prague. See workshop page.
MARCH 2012
New Video - cartoon: Small Self Identity Kit!! Available with subtitles in other languages - see Video page.
Workshops in Coventry (UK), Copenhagen, and Freiburg (Germany). More information here.
Video interview with Amaranatho, recorded July 2011 at the Salisbury Summer Gathering.
Interview with Judy Bruce now available with Japanese subtitles.
Archive of exploration of the connections between Seeing and the Tao Te Ching.
Publication of eBook Seeing Who You Really Are by Richard Lang
Video interview with Luc Vermeeren now with Dutch subtitles, and English subtitles.
Stepping into the Void, video by Richard Lang, now with Dutch subtitles.
Interview with Judy Bruce, now with English subtitles.
Video Interview with Luc Vermeeren. Recorded July 2011 at the Salisbury Summer Gathering.
We have regular skype meetings. If you have done some of the experiments and wish to hang out with others who value their headlessness, then contact Richard and he'll send you information. The meetings are free.
NEW!!! 2 new e-books now available, and the abridged paperback edition of The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth, in the bookshop.
Alan Rowlands, who I interviewed in the summer, passed away the evening of January 2. He returned to the place he had never left!
Headless experiments on Chinese website!
New Video: in November Richard gave a workshop in Dorset, England, organized by 'Non-Duality Dorset'. Here's a video clip of the workshop - click on the first picture (of Richard holding the card!)
We continue to explore sharing Seeing in different ways. One of the ways is through skype meetings - informal meetings of people who value this way of Seeing. If you are interested (and have done at least one experiment, so that you know what it's about) get in touch with Richard.
New website look! (You're looking at it!) Thanks Sam & Navi!
New Video: interview with Judy Bruce.
A great workshop in Royan, France. Thank you Caty, Philippe, Jose, Philippe, Martine... :-)
Video of Douglas Harding - in English, with French introduction and French subtitles.
Latest video interview - with Anne Seward. (Also with subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Greek and Japanese.)
Head Off Stress is now available on Amazon as an eBook.
New Poetry Book
I've uploaded a new video on Face to No-Face Films, of Colin Oliver reading his poetry and talking about writing poetry from this Clarity. His latest book of poetry, 'Saying Goodnight' - very beautiful poetry from a headless seer - is available in our bookshop. Colin has been writing poetry as a seer for more than 40 years.
The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth - eBook
When Douglas Harding completed the large book The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth, he didn't think it would be published in that huge format, so he then wrote a condensed version. This is the version that was first published in 1952, and which C. S. Lewis read and wrote the preface for. We have now published this book as an eBook.
Interview with Colin & Carole Oliver is now on youtube with Slovenian subtitles. Thanks, Miha!
The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth - digital edition of original manuscript.
The original version of The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth (A New Diagram of Man in the Universe) by Douglas Harding is now available in our bookshop as a downloadable file.
I will speak from my heart about this book. This book is the book I would take with me to a desert island if I were allowed only one book.
It is, so to speak, a modern Bible of who we really are. Most people don’t read the whole of the Bible (or the Koran, or On The Origin of Species, I suppose...) but are nevertheless profoundly influenced by such books. I believe The Hierarchy is of the same order. And (like Darwin’s masterpiece) it is a book that is independent of local culture or religion. It is a book for the modern planet.
Douglas Harding spent at least eight years writing this book (in the 1940s) - more or less fourteen hours a day, seven days a week. He saw who he really was and then thought, felt and wrote deeply, consistently, cooly, passionately, about what he had found - how it made sense and what it meant for the world.
C.S. Lewis called The Hierarchy “a work of the highest genius”. I fully agree. Lewis only read the condensed version but he declared that it left him “roaring drunk”. I’ve read both the condensed version and this huge original version (many times) and I am like Lewis. I am drunk with its genius.
I believe the publication of this book in digital form is the equivalent of the moment when the Bible was made available to a wide audience with the invention of the printing press. Now anyone with £20 to spend can dip into, and perhaps even read the whole of!, this phenomenal book. Douglas took years to produce this one book (plus one copy). He finished it in 1950. In 1998 the Shollond Trust (with Crowquill) produced 300 copies. Thanks to the generous work of many volunteers, lovingly managed by my friend Navi Blight (supported by her husband Sam) the Shollond Trust can now from August 2011 offer this book to as many people as click the button on our website. Thank you friends, thank you Navi and Sam, thank you Douglas. It is a great achievement.
Douglas once said that although the universe is often a tragic and terrible place, even so, a universe that produces the music of Mozart is a wonderful universe, a beautiful universe. I say, a universe that produces The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth is, in spite of all the terror and tragedy in the world, a wonderful, beautiful universe.
Here’s the link: The Hierarchy
Best wishes,
Richard Lang
Interview with Hymie Wyse - a fascinating and touching story by a Jesuit priest...
JUNE 2011
New interview video, this time with Alan Rowlands, a longtime friend of Douglas Harding. Click here.
Videos with English subtitles
A friend requested the experiments videos with English subtitles for a friend who is deaf. These are now online. Please let anyone know who would find them useful. Click here.
Workshops in New York, Boston area and Germany
Great workshops - lovely to meet so many seeing friends. Click here for video clips.
San Francisco workshop
Here is information about the workshop my brother David is giving in San Francisco on July 9. Click here.
Video Interview with French subtitles
The interview with Colin & Carole Oliver now has French subtitles. Please tell your French-speaking friends. Click here.
The next interview, with the pianist Alan Rowlands, will soon be available. Other interviews - click here.
MAY 2011
A delight to meet everyone at the workshop in Philadelphia, Monday May 30.
Audio book (On Having No Head), e-book (Little Book of Life and Death), audio guide to the experiments and the Melbourne Lecture & Workshop - all now downloadable from our bookshop.
Great workshop in Toronto - Saturday May 28. Lovely people.
New film: Interview with Colin & Carole Oliver.
APRIL 2011
My film of the experiments, 'Who are we really?', is now on Youtube with Italian subtitles.
New film: Saying Yes! to Seeing. Interview with Bill Garside.
Interview with Richard Lang - by Paula Marvelly of the Advaita Academy.
MARCH 2011
New film 'Seeing & Forgiveness'. (Camilla Carr.)
"Stepping Into The Void" now with Spanish subtitles.
More workshops scheduled.
More Youtube channels - Russian, and Japanese.
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Greek
"You are not what you look like" with Dutch subtitles.
Stepping into the Void is now online with French subtitles, and with Greek subtitles.
A new short video by Richard Lang: Stepping into the Void. And living to tell the tale...
Advance news: November 20 - a day workshop at my home in London. For more details, check the workshop page. Now FULL. To go on the waiting list, contact me - Richard. (Bring lunch to share. Donations.)
My film of the experiments is now on Youtube with DUTCH subtitles.
The clip of Douglas Harding speaking about 'not being what you look like' is now on Youtube with FRENCH subtitles.
And there's part of the On Having No Head film now with GREEK subtitles.
Please tell your Dutch, French and Greek friends!
A good friend, Joshi, gave a workshop in Prague on Sept 11. His next one is on December 4. There were other workshops on that day too - in Brisbane with Marie, and with Sam, Navi and friends in Perth. They will be giving more too. I gave a workshop in Stockholm with Olof on that Saturday, so there were 4 workshops on that day!
August 2010
The film of the experiments, Who Are We Really? is now on youtube with German subtitles.
Next free workshop in London is on October 23, 2-5PM.
Short clip with Dutch subtitles from Douglas Harding's Melbourne Lecture. ("De 'als is' wereld.")
Short clip with French subtitles from Douglas Harding's Melbourne Lecture. (Le monde 'comme si' et le monde 'tel quel'.)
I've uploaded a longer extract of Douglas Harding talking in Melbourne in 1991.("You are not what you look like.")
The film of the experiments, Who Are We Really?, is now on Youtube with French subtitles.
The film of the experiments, Who Are We Really?, is now on Youtube with Spanish subtitles.
July 2010
The film of the experiments, Who Are We Really?, is now on Youtube with Greek subtitles.
May 2010
The DVD of the experiments is now available. You can also watch the film on Youtube.
April 2010
Great workshops in Israel and the Czech Republic!
March 2010
Lots of new First Person photos just added.
Workshops coming up in Israel and the Czech Republic. See workshop page.
January 2010
We have re-published The Science of the 1st Person by Douglas Harding. A really excellent book.
December '09
A beautiful workshop in Moscow at the end of November! Many new friends.
The next free workshop in London will be on Saturday January 30. For more details...
October '09
Publication of The Little Book of Life and Death, and The Spectre in the Lake, both by Douglas Harding. Available in the bookshop.
Sept 09
Publication of audio guide to the experiments by Richard Lang - Discovering Your True Self. A do-it-yourself workshop!
July 09
A short film of this year's summer gathering in Salisbury, England.
There's a very good exchange between the spiritual teacher Gangaji and
a friend of hers on Youtube where the friend so clearly and
passionately describes being free of the face he sees in the mirror,
and being face to no-face with Gangaji. It's only a couple of minutes.
Here's the link - The Face in the Mirror
I just started a blog on the website. Richard
June 09
We have a new book in the bookshop - "The Light That I Am" by J.C. Amberchele. There are a couple of articles by Amberchele on the website, so some of you will know of him already. I've also mentioned him in Reflections - he's the friend in prison who enjoys not being in prison. It's an inspiring read.
Sam Blight did a great interview on NeverNotHere.
May 09
New short film by Richard Lang - Still Point
April '09
A few Youniverse Explorer models are for sale, designed by Douglas Harding in the 1970s. More information.
Audio CD of Melbourne Lecture by Douglas Harding available in bookshop
A few photos of Douglas Harding's headstone and the churchyard on the day of the ceremony to place his ashes in the ground - April 11.
If you want to connect up with other people interested in headlessness in your area, then go to the local groups page.
Free London workshop, Saturday 2-5PM, May 30. Contact Richard
Introduction page now in German.
On Sunday (March 22) we are trying an experiment - Richard Miller in
Chicago is hosting a live internet video show with me, Richard Lang. The video show is now available on nevernothere. Scroll down to find it.
German Speakers - we are beginning to translate the website into German. If you are a fluent German speaker and would like to help, even in small ways, please get in touch with Kerstin. Thank you!
New! Posters - 'pointing home', and a new design, by Sam Blight, of a drawing by Douglas Harding.
Workshops in the USA (with Richard Lang) - Feb 13 Berkeley, CA. Feb 17 - Denver, CO. For more info and registration, click here.
Jan. 22. We're on Facebook now! Our group is called... wait for it... No-Facebook!
Free workshop in London, Friday evening, January 16, 2009. See workshop page.
Dec 19, 2008. Paris workshop with Catherine Harding & Jose Le Roy. More information.
Dec 1, 2008. Workshop in Malta, Dec. 6.
Nov. 28/08. Audio interview with Catherine Harding.
Nov. 24/08. Audio interview with Richard Lang by Chris Parish of EnlightenNext.
November 17/08. Religions Of The World by Douglas Harding published in Hungary.
November 3/08. I've added many more responses on the Comments pages, plus feedback about the Reflections Course.
October 6/08. Second video interview with Richard Lang.
There's a workshop in Germany on Saturday Oct 11, and a headless gathering in Fremantle, Western Australia on the Saturday as well. (Unlikely you'll be able to attend both...)
September 27/08 You can now listen to Colin Oliver reading his poetry!
September 24/08 New Video Interview with Richard Lang
Workshops coming up - a weekend in Stockholm, Sweden - first weekend in October. And then two weekends in North Carolina, end of October and beginning of November.
September 17/08
I've put some photographs of Douglas Harding on the website. If you have any of your own that you would like shared on the website, please send them to me (Richard).
New photos on the Images page and several new drawings on the Drawings page.
Workshops coming up (September) in Ann Arbor (MI), Chicago, and Toronto.
During June, the book To Be And Not To Be by Douglas Harding is at half price: £5.00.
New First Person illustration.
Registration open now for workshops in Richmond, Virginia (May 24/25) and Nahant, MA (May 30/31). See workshop page.
Bookings for the Headless Way Summer Gathering 2008 are now open. This is a residential workshop to be held in Salisbury UK from July 17 to July 21. For information and to book your place click here .
George Schloss's essays and letters dealing with the significance andconsequences of "headlessness" have been combined in two bookspublished in February 2008 under the title The Language of Silence -Volume 1-Essays and Volume 2-Letters. Pending wider distribution, theycan be previewed or downloaded at
Radio interview with Richard Lang available at The date of the broadcast is February 3, 2008. (Richard gave this interview in August 07 in Fremantle, Western Australia.)
New DVD available of Douglas Harding giving a workshop in Sweden in 1992. Available in the Bookshop.
Free Workshop
Wednesday Feb. 20, 2008. Evening. London. For more details, see workshop page.
3/12/07. Toolkit for Discovering Who You Are available via bookshop.
After Douglas Harding died in January of this year, I helped his wife, Catherine, sort out his books. We found a number of 'yellow toolkits', also known as the 'Toolkit for Discovering Who You Really Are'. These were designed by Douglas and produced in the mid '70s by EST, an organization that set up several large workshops, mainly in the States, at which Douglas presented Seeing. In Denver, apparently, there were about 2000 people at the workshop. (If you were present at any of these workshops, I would be interested to hear from you about your experience.) Each participant received one of these toolkits. I have a small pile of these toolkits, and so this limited number is now available in the bookshop at £5.00 each, plus mailing costs. There is a bit more information about them in the bookshop.
30/11/07. Newly designed website goes online.