The Enquiry
The unexamined life is not worth living.
To understand others is to have knowledge; to understand oneself is to be liberated.
What I call perfection of vision is not seeing others but oneself.
Our self-knowledge is our beauty: in self-ignorance we are ugly.
You know the value of everything - except yourself! The vital problem is to discover whether you are vile or fortunate.
If you want peace of mind and true unity of purpose, you must put all things behind you and look on yourself.
Thomas A'Kempis
It is an extraordinary blindness to live without investigating what we are.
All Christian religion consists wholly in this, to learn to know ourselves, whence we come and what we are.
To understand everything except yourself is very comical.
I will see if I have no meaning, while the houses and ships have meaning.
Who is it that repeats the Buddha's name? We should try to find out where this who comes from and what it looks like.
Forgetfulness of the Self is the source of all misery.
Ramana Maharshi
What is the use of knowing about everything else when you do not yet know Who you are? Self-enquiry is the one infallible means, the only direct one, of realising the unconditioned, absolute Being you really are.
Ramana Maharshi
To be completely honest with oneself is the very best effort a human being can make.
No age has known so much, so many different things, about man; no age has known less than ours what man is.
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