How To Test The Hypothesis
What To Look For
Like the empty sky It has no boundaries, yet It is right in this place, ever profound and clear.
Yung-chia Hsuan-cheh
Into the soul's essence no speck can ever fall.
Seeing into one's self-nature is seeing into nothingness. Seeing into nothingness is true seeing and eternal seeing.
It is as if, in the middle of one's being, there were a non-being… The Confucians call it the centre of emptiness; The Buddhists, the terrace of life; the Taoists, the ancestral land, or the yellow castle, or the dark pass, or the space of former heaven.
The Secret of the Golden Flower
Penetrate into the centre of nothingness… Creep as far as you can into the truth of your nothingness, and then nothing will disquiet you.
When a man is awakened he melts and perishes.
The loving contemplative, in his ground wherein he rests, sees and feels nothing but an incomprehensible Light; and through that simple Nudity which enfolds all things, he finds himself, and feels himself, to be that same Light by which he sees, and nothing else.
There is no longer any need to believe, when one sees the truth.
He is the true Saint, who reveals the form of the formless to one's vision, who teaches the simple way of attaining Him.
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